Google’s Matt Cutts: Domain Clustering To Change Again; Fewer Results From Same Domain

Google’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, posted a new video about a new change coming to Google’s search results related to the diversity of the results being displayed. Matt said that Google is launching “soon” a new change that will make it less likely to see results from…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Google Updates AdWords Express Sign-Up Process, Ad Copy Preview And Dashboard

Google has updated  the interface for AdWords Express, Google’s AdWords product designed for small businesses. Among the interface updates are a redesigned dashboard to show an at-a-glance look at ad views (impressions), clicks and calls generated as well as a pie chart that tracks monthly…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Managing The Migration To A New Affiliate Network

The topic of affiliate network migration is at the top of the agenda for a lot of advertisers these days. Whether a transition is driven by the urgency around the closing of the Google Affiliate Network, or you’ve bandied about the idea of switching networks for some time, moving to a new…

Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.